Kamis 21 Jun 2018 08:00 WIB

Do not doubt my appointment as acting governor: Iriawan

Iriawan ensures that he will remain neutral in West Java regional election.

West Java acting governor M Iriawan
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
West Java acting governor M Iriawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Commissioner General of Police M. Iriawan has called on the public to not harbor doubts over his appointment as acting governor of West Java by the president. He vowed to fulfill his gubernatorial tasks to the best of his abilities and maintain a neutral stance.

"Do not harbor any doubts regarding my appointment as acting governor of West Java. I will ensure to remain neutral," he noted in a statement here, Wednesday.

As the acting governor, Iriawan is tasked with supervising civil servants and ensuring that they remain neutral.

Iriawan also said that he will secure the upcoming regional head elections (pilkada) to ensure its success. Iriawan remarked that he had established coordination with the Regional Military Command III/Siliwangi and the West Java Police regarding security measures to be adopted during pilkada scheduled on June 27, 2018.

"We have discussed it. Inshaa Allah (God Willing), this pilkada will be successful, smooth, and under control in accordance with the public's aspirations," he noted.

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo installed Police Commissioner General Mochamad Iriawan as the acting governor of West Java Province, here, on Monday.

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo (left) installs Mochamad Iriawan as acting governor of West Java, at Merdeka Building, Bandung, West Java, on Monday (June 18).

Iriawan, concurrently main secretary of the Indonesian Resilience Institute, succeeded Governor Ahmad Heryawan, whose term of office ended on June 13, 2018. His inauguration was based on Presidential Decree No 106/P of 2018 on the honorary dismissal of the governor and deputy governor of West Java for the 2013-2018 term of office and the appointment of acting governor of West Java.

Meanwhile, Luthfi Andi Mutty, a member of Parliament, opined that Mochammad Iriawan's appointment as acting governor of West Java is a violation of the existing regulations. "Appointing an active police general as the acting governor is a violation of at least three regulations," Mutty noted in a statement here, Monday.

As per Law No. 3 of 2002 on Indonesian Police, a police officer can hold a position outside the police after resigning from his post. Law No. 10 of 2016 stipulates that to fill the gubernatorial seat, the government can appoint a civil servant.

According to Law No. 5 of 2015, military and police officers could be appointed to serve as high-ranking government officials after they resign from the military or police institutions.

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