Rabu 04 Jul 2018 02:00 WIB

Death toll of KMP Lestari Maju increases to 19

Lestari Maju vessel sank in Selayar waters off Bulukumba District, South Sulawesi.

Lestari Maju vessel sunk in Selayar waters, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (July 7).
Foto: dok. BNPB
Lestari Maju vessel sunk in Selayar waters, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (July 7).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- The number of casualties of the Lestari Maju coaster, which reportedly drowned in the waters of Selayar, South Sulawesi Province, has increased to 19. Lestari Maju vessel sank in Selayar waters off the Bulukumba District, South Sulawesi on Tuesday, Head of Police Public Relations section of South Sulawesi Police Commissioner, Dicky Sondani, stated here on Tuesday.

According to a spokesperson of the Selayar Islands district Patta Tulen all facilities in Benteng City have been prepared to evacuate the victims and transport them to Pamatata Port in Selayar Islands District of South Sulawesi.

Passengers of Lestari Maju evacuated from the coaster that sunk in Selayar waters, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (July 7).

KMP Lestari Maju carrying 139 passengers and 48 vehicles sank in Selayar waters of South Sulawesi after its left hull engine was broken at around 1.40 p.m. local time, and it caused the ship to take in the water. The condition was worsened by unfavorable weather in the waters.

KMP Lestari Maju which was scheduled to arrive at Pamatata Port within half an hour before the accident, sank near a beach on Bungayya Village of Bonto Matene Subdistrict in Selayar Islands District. KMP Lestari Maju has the capacity of 250 passengers and 40 vehicles.

Passangers of Lestari Maju coaster are waiting to be rescued in Selayar waters, South Sulawesi Selatan, Tuesday (July 7).

According to its manifest, 120 passengers have disembarked at Bira Port and 139 other passengers went aboard the vessel for Pamatata Port in Selayar Islands District.

Last month, a ferry with around 190 people on board sank in Lake Toba, North Sumatra, one of the world's deepest volcanic lakes, which took about 164 lives.

sumber : Antara
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