Rabu 04 Jul 2018 15:43 WIB

Ex-graft prisoners can't run in legislative elections

Previously the government disagree to ban former graft prisoners to run in elections.

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan
Foto: RepublikaTV/Havid Al Vizki
KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Law and Human Rights finally promulgated General Election Commission (KPU) regulation (PKPU) No. 20/2018 which contains ban to former corruption convicts to contest in legislative elections. The regulation is included in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia numbered 834 Year 2018.

However, KPU has changed a number of things in the regulation. The change is targeting the ban that contained in Article 7 paragraph 1 letter h Chapter II Part 4 on the Announcement and Procedure for Prospective Proposals.

The rule originally ‘legislative candidates are not former narcotics, sexual offense against child, or corruption convicts’. Meanwhile, in regulation No. 20/2018 that has been promulgated, the ban is set in Article 4 Paragraph 3 Chapter II Part One about General.

Also read: Should we give former graft convicts chance to be lawmakers?

The clause of the article is: "In the selection of prospective candidates in a democratic and open manner as referred to in paragraph (2), (political parties) do not include ex-convicted drug dealers, sexual crimes against children, and corruption.”

KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan said there is no substantial difference in PKPU that has been promulgated. He said in essence, the regulation still does not allow political parties to register former corruption convicts as legislative candidates.

Also read: Jokowi: Ex-graft prisoners have right to contest in election

“If there is violation, KPU has the authority to execute since registration stages,” said Wahyu.

Previously,  Ministry of Law and Human Rights refused to enact PKPU No. 20/2018. The ministry considered the ban on former corruption convicts to be legislative candidates was contrary to Law No. 7/2017 on General Elections.

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