Senin 23 Jul 2018 16:00 WIB

Lion Air’s pilot buried in Medina

Lion Air captain pilot Bambang Sugiri died in car accident in Medina.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Dead victim. (Illustration)
Dead victim. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The family has decided to bury the Lion Air captain pilot Bambang Sugiri in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Bambang died in a traffic accident in the holy city. He was hit by a car while crossing the road.

Bambang’s wife, Dharnawati said family gave consent to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Jeddah and Lion Air Airlines to bury him in a public cemetery in Medina. She got information about the accident on Saturday (July 21) at 21.00 WIB (Indonesia West Standard Time).

According to Dharnawati, KJRI and Lion Air company facilitated family of Bambang for a pilgrimage to the cemetery in Medina. The family's departure to wait for the administration from the company and consulate.

Captan Bambang has been working for a long time at Lion Air as pilot. He planned to retire from the airline company in February 2019.

Since a month ago, Bambang received assignment to serve pilgrims during the 2018 hajj season. The incident that took his life happened at around 14.30 local time when the victim and his colleagues crossed the street after shopping at a supermarket near his inn.

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