Selasa 31 Jul 2018 17:31 WIB

KPU to erase ex-graft prisoner names permanently from system

KPU says the deadline for new names' submission is July 31.

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner, Ilham Saputra
Foto: Republika/Dian Erika Nugraheny
General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner, Ilham Saputra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- General Election Commission (KPU) revealed political parties have not filed names of their cadres to replace ex-graft prisoners who run in the legislative elections. Meanwhile, the deadline for new names' submission was July 31.

KPU Commissioner Ilham Saputra explained the names of former corruption convicts will be erased permanently from KPU Candidate Information System (Silon). "We will wait political parties to send the new lawmaker candidates names until 24:00 WIB (Indonesia West Standard Time)," Ilham said on Tuesday (July 31).

KPU regionals will also wait until the same time, in accordance with local time. “We are still waiting, but until yesterday there has been no new legislator candidates names,” Ilham added.

Earlier, KPU said hundreds of lawmaker candidates files in several regions was returned to their respective political parties. He explained those legislative candidates were identified as former corruption convicts. Based on the commission regulation No. 20/2018, ex-graft prisoners did not have the rights to run in the elections.

Based on Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) findings, there were 199 former corruption convicts run in elections at level Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) in regencies or cities. However, Bawaslu member Mochamad Afifuddin said the number of former graft convicts runnning as lawmaker candidates has been declining as verification process continues.

Based on PKPU No. 5/2018 on the stages, programs and schedule of 2019 General Election, replacement of candidates shall be granted from July 22 and ended on July 31, 2018. Subsequently, on August 1 to August 7, KPU will verify the list and terms of lawmaker candidates.

After being re-verified, KPU drafted and determined a list of temporary lawmaker candidates (DCS) on August 8 to August 12, 2018. When it has determined, on August 12 to August 14, KPU will announce DCS at all levels and representation of women from each political parties.

People were expected to provide feedback on the candidates' track record on August 12 to August 21.

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