Rabu 01 Aug 2018 01:19 WIB

Prabowo asks SBY to be his mentor: Politician

SBY has shared experience in winning two previous presidential elections to Prabowo.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Pertemuan balasan SBY ke Prabowo, Senin (30/7).
Foto: Tim Komunikasi Partai Demokrat
Pertemuan balasan SBY ke Prabowo, Senin (30/7).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chief Patron of the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra), Prabowo Subianto has asked Democratic Party leader Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to become his mentor, a senior politician said. Earlier, Prabowo has won SBY's official support for becoming the coalition parties' presidential candidate.

"Prabowo himself has requested SBY's favor for becoming his mentor to help him face next year's presidential race," the Democratic Party's Deputy Secretary General Putu Supadma Rudana told journalists here on Tuesday.

SBY, who ruled Indonesia for 10 years, met Prabowo in Jakarta on Monday to strengthen their commitment to build a strong coalition ahead of the 2019 presidential election. Shortly after the meeting, SBY hinted his official support for Prabowo's presidential candidacy at the press conference.

Rudana stated that Prabowo has repeatedly stated that he respected the former president. He also thanked him for sharing his experience in winning two previous presidential elections.

"Prabowo behaves kindly toward SBY and maintains a good communication with him. As a result, their mutual respect is well managed," he remarked, adding that SBY has hinted his readiness to become Prabowo's mentor.

In the 2014 Presidential Election, the Democratic Party did not coalesce with Gerindra and the Muslim-based Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and National Mandate Party (PAN). However, it has changed its political stance for next year's presidential race, he added.

Along with its coalition parties, the Prabowo camp has been attempting to look for a credible figure to be the vice presidential candidate. Prabowo's axis also promised to consider Ijtima' Ulama recommendation regarding nomination of PKS Syura (Advisory) Council chairman Salim Segaf Al-Jufri and well-respected preacher Abdul Somad Batubara as Prabowo's running mate in 2019 presidential election.

Meanwhile, Prabowo also did not deny the possibility that he would pair up with Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) in 2019 presidential election. He would answer "why not" if AHY’s name appeared.

Prabowo may again become incumbent President Joko Widodo's toughest rival in the 2019 presidential race.

Jokowi himself has been given the freedom to pick up his running mate. In his recent statement, General Chairman of the People's Conscience Party (Hanura), Oesman Sapta Odang, noted that Jokowi would announce his running mate for next year's presidential election in early August.

"At our recent meeting, Jokowi and the coalition party leaders have come up with one name. We are just waiting for the official announcement that he will make around next week, plus two or three days. He will do it at the appropriate time," he stated.

He noted that the leaders of the People's Democratic Party of Struggle, Golkar Party, PKB, Muslim-based United Development Party, National Democrat Party, and Hanura had agreed to let Jokowi decide his running mate.

Odang, however, was reluctant to clarify the name of the most potential running mate for Jokowi, arguing that the five coalition party leaders had pledged not to leak it to the public prior to Jokowi's official announcement.

On the other hand, Jokowi explained he has pocketed a number of names to be his running mate.He has narrowed down the list of his potential running mates from 10 to five names. But he stopped short of revealing the five names.

Earlier, he admitted that among of the names that still being discussed with his party are West Nusa Tenggara Governor Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Zainul Majdi, former Constitutional Court chairman Mahfud MD, and Golkar Party chairman Airlangga Hartarto.

Jokowi also acknowledged the competition between two party leaders vying to become his running mate in the 2019 presidential race. Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) and Romahurmuziy (Rommy) have been floated by their respective parties as possible running mates for Jokowi.

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