Rabu 08 Aug 2018 17:06 WIB

KPU should consider extention of registration period

KPU must be flexible in setting the deadline of registration period, observer says.

Rep: Amri Amrullah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Joko Widodo (left) and Prabowo Subianto
Foto: republika
Joko Widodo (left) and Prabowo Subianto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political observer Said Salahuddin assessed General Election Commission (KPU) should prepared some scenarios to respond political dynamics related to registration period of presidential and vice presidential pair candidate. He advised KPU to not be too rigid with its deadline.

“When KPU said there will be no extension for registration period, it means the first door for people to choose their leader has been locked,” said Said on Wednesday (Aug 8).

Said reminded that political parties have not reached agreement on candidates pair to run in presidential election 2019. Many possibilities could happened, he said.

Meanwhile, presidential and vice presidential candidate registration period was due on August 10. Said assessed KPU should prepare to adjust the deadline if there was only only one pair of candidate registered at the end of registration period.

Moreover, Constitution did not justify the presidential election followed by only one pair or a single candidate. It ws stipulated in Article 235 paragraph (4) Law No. 7/2017 on General Election that said if there is only one candidate who was registered, KPU is obliged to extend the registration time for 14 days.

“So, if there is no one showed up to register, KPU must extend the registration period, that the logic,” Said added.

Said stressed in General Election Law, the provisions regarding the registration period for presidential and vice presidential candidates was actually regulated relatively flexible. The law only determines the time, no later than eight months before the vote.

The 2019 presidential election would probably be followed by two pairs of candidates, from incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s camp and the oposition camp. However, nor Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto have decided their running mates.

Both camps were still discussing the best option. Jokowi was scheduled to meet his coalition parties leader on Wednesday night.

"The meeting will be held tonight, but we still don’t know the time yet,” said United Development Party (PPP) general chairman Rohamurmuziy on Wednesday (Aug 8).

When asked about the announcement of Jokowi’s running mate, Rohamurmuziy said it will be conveyed on Thursday (Aug 9). Meanwhile, the registration will be done at General Election Commission (KPU) on Friday (Aug 10) at 10.00 WIB (Indonesia West Standard Time).

Meanwhile, Chairman of the DKI Jakarta branch of Gerindra Party Muhammad Taufik said here on Tuesday that the four political parties --Gerindra Party, Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), National Mandate Party (PAN), and Democratic Party-- leaders would meet again to agree on the name of the vice presidential candidate who will run in the presidential election 2019 with Gerindra Party chief patron Prabowo Subianto. Taufik said the meeting would be held today, Wednesday (Aug 8).

However, Taufik was reluctant to mention the place of the meeting. He expected the meeting between four parties will agree on one of two names of Prabowo’s running mate candidates.

Taufik said once the name of vice presidential candidate agreed, the coalition will declare it on Thursday (Aug 9). Prabowo and his running mate was scheduled to register to General Election Commission (KPU) on the next day.

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