Kamis 09 Aug 2018 18:30 WIB

Most illicit drugs smuggled into Indonesia come from China

Most illicit drugs seized by Indonesian authorities were from China.

BNN and Customs raided illicit drugs smuggling from China in Medan, North Sumatra.
Foto: bea cukai
BNN and Customs raided illicit drugs smuggling from China in Medan, North Sumatra.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Chairman of the National Anti-Narcotics Movement (Granat) Hamdani Harahap noted that illicit drugs smuggled into Indonesia were mostly from China and several other countries. He said the smuggling of drugs must be immediately stopped, as it harms the nation's younger generation.

Most illicit drugs seized by Indonesian authorities were from China, he pointed out. Drugs smuggled into Indonesia were also from Malaysia and Thailand.

"It is suspected that many foreign narcotic syndicates have conducted illegal drug trafficking in Indonesia," he remarked here on Thursday.

He urged the Indonesian government, through the National Narcotics Agency, National Police, and Customs and Excise Directorate General, to establish cooperation with the National Narcotics Control Commission of China to prevent drug smuggling from China.

"Indonesia has to be saved from narcotics, which not only harm the people but also threaten the country," he added.

The Indonesian government must impose stern punishment against drug traffickers to serve as a deterrent effect. The North Sumatra Police have seized a total of 66.47 kilograms (kg) of crystal methamphetamine and 49.38 kg of hashish, mostly smuggled into Indonesia from Malaysia by boats.

Earlier, National Police chief Muhammad Tito Karnavian has instructed his staff to act decisively against drug dealers. He ordered the police not hesitate to shoot dead drug dealers who tried to resist during arrest.

Tito said drug dealer is the heart of a network. If the heart stopped, the network is weakened.

"So, I ordered a firm act, if necessary shoot dead if they resist (to be arrested)," he said at National Police headquarters on Tuesday (March 27).

According to National Narcotics Agency (BNN), drug abuse is responsible for the deaths of 33 Indonesians, mostly young men every day.

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