Rabu 29 Aug 2018 20:07 WIB

Without e-ID card, voters might lose rights to vote: Bawaslu

Law No. 7 Year 2017 on Election requires voters to have e-ID card.

Rep: Bayu Adji P, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Electronic identity cards or known as E-KTP (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Electronic identity cards or known as E-KTP (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) commissioner Fritz Edward Siregar said the use of e-ID card as a condition for the voters to exercise their rights in 2019 general election should be a concern. He reminded that not all Indonesia citizens have e-ID card.

“It should be a warning for us, especially Bawaslu, Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil), and General Election Commission (KPU) because in Election Law, people must have e-ID card,” said Fritz on Tuesday (August 28).

Based on Bawaslu observation, many people were still did not have e-ID card due to a number of problems in regions. System and tools errors or local wisdom that makes them unwilling to be recorded were among the problems.

Fritz admitted in Law No. 7 Year 2017 on Election which required voters to have e-ID card is an effective step in the implementation of the General Election. However, the real condition could not be predicted by the Law which has become the legal umbrella for the election implementation.

Also read: Ministry admits negligence in scattered e-ID cards case

“If we don’t have e-ID card, but we have other identity cards such as driving lisence or the old version of ID card, does it mean we lost our political rights? We must find the solution,” Fritz added.

According to him, every person over the age of 17th has right to vote. If e-ID card becomes the only condition to vote, then many rights of citizens lost because they cannot vote.

Meanwhile, KPU Commissioner Ilham Saputra said, in 2019 Election e-ID card is the only condition for voters. Voters no longer can use the certificate (suket) as e-ID card substitute as in 2018 regional elections. According to the rules of law, suket can only be used until December this year.

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