Ahad 02 Sep 2018 17:45 WIB

Millennials like something genuine: Sandiaga

Sandiaga says the millennials will cover almost 35 percent of new voters.

Rep: Rizkiyan Adiyudha/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice presidential candidate Sandiaga Uno
Foto: Republika
Vice presidential candidate Sandiaga Uno

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, the running mate of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto said millennials who dominate in the upcoming presidential election prefer something which is not artificial and which is relevant. According to him, the millennials will cover almost 35 percent of new voters. So presidential and vice candidate candidates must be able to produce original concepts.

"The millennials do not like things that are made up - they want something fresh and which are connected with them and relevant, Sandiaga said at the Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. Hamka in East Jakarta, Saturday.

At present, one of the things that need to be raised for the millennial target is economic issue. Sandiaga said if no relevant issue is raised they will think that candidates have no solution.

He said the relevant economic issues included how employment could be created for them in the industrial era 4.0 as well as cost of education and health. "The challenge will not be solved, if they consider the presidential election irrelevant. The last election must be exciting and viral. Millenials are happy to see action," said Sandiaga.

Something instant for millennials that can be felt and connected is the One District One Center of Entrepreneurship (OK OCE) movement, where millennials want to be able to get involved in it, he said.

"This OK OCE is very connected with the millennials. They want to get involved in it and I feel thankful that the millennials want to participate in the 2019 presidential election for the progress of this nation," said Sandiaga.

Meanwhile, in the government camp, vice presidential candidate KH Ma'ruf Amin has been trying to build campaign team. He claimed to has gained support from prominent preacher and businessman ustaz Yusuf Mansur and actor who is also a Democratic Party cadre Deddy Mizwar.

Meanwhile, in the government camp, vice presidential candidate KH Ma'ruf Amin has been trying to build campaign team. He claimed to has gained support from prominent preacher and businessman ustaz Yusuf Mansur and actor who is also a Democratic Party cadre Deddy Mizwar.

Earlier, ustaz Yusuf was rumored to have joined Sandiaga's camp. However, Kiai Ma'ruf asserted that ustaz Yusuf was on his side although he did not know how far ustaz Yusuf would be involved in the campaign. "He's with me," he said in Jakarta on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Deddy waited until September 21 to reveal his decision to join government camp. In the meantime, he was trying to absorb Kiai Ma'ruf's ideas on economy. "There has been no formal appointment to be spokesperson of Joko Widodo-Kiai Ma'ruf," Deddy said.


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