Selasa 04 Sep 2018 18:50 WIB

Indonesia hopes to save foreign exchange with B20 policy

the country hopes to save up to US$2.3 billion in imports of oil fuel until year end.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Biodiesel (Illustration)
Biodiesel (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Government hopes to save more foreign exchange in the import of oil fuel by ruling more types of motor vehicle to use bio-diesel B20 for fuel substituting automotive diesel oil. The regulation, which has already been effective since September 1 this year, is expected to contribute to slashing dependence on import for oil fuel, Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution said here recently.

"This regulation is part of the policy to boost exports and cut imports," he said.

Nasution said the policy was expected to reduce trade balance and current account deficits and to create a healthier balance of payments. The government has been concerned with the shrinking value of rupiah against the US dollar mainly on widening trade and current account deficits lately.

Also read: B20 mandatory use must be in line with industry development