Kamis 06 Sep 2018 15:04 WIB

Pertamina to not raise fuel oil prices

Information circulating on social media says fuel oil prices to be increased.

Pertamina gas station.
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Pertamina gas station.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- State oil company PT Pertamina has confirmed that the price of fuel oil (BBM) at its gas stations will not experience adjustments or price increases. The statement came to respond information circulating on several social media following depreciation of rupiah.

The viral message stated that there would be an increase in fuel oil prices. Premium was said to be sold at Rp9,500, Pertalite Rp11,000 and Pertamax Rp14,000.

Pertamina asserted that there were no planned price changes. "Pertamina's fuel oil prices remain fixed and there is no planned price adjustments, Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communication, Adiatma Sardjito said in a statement received here on Wednesday.

As one of the downstream oil and gas business entities, Pertamina will continue to monitor the condition of the rupiah exchange rate, in order to be able to maintain the supply and service of fuel needs in the community, Aditama said.

As a business entity, Pertamina will report any changes in fuel prices to the Government through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, in accordance with ESDM Minister Regulation No. 34 of 2018 concerning the calculation of the retail selling price of BBM.

"Pertamina obeys the Government's rules that every price adjustment must be reported first," Adiatma explained.


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