REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has expressed readiness to campaign for the pair of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Ma'ruf Amin in the 2019 presidential election. Incumbent President Jokowi and Indonesian Ulema Council Chairman Amin have been nominated as the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the upcoming presidential elections.
"Regardless of whether I am asked, I will continue to campaign for the Jokowi-Ma'ruf pair," Pranowo remarked when contacted from Semarang on Wednesday.
The Central Java governor affirmed he must campaign for Jokowi and Ma'ruf as his moral responsibility as one of the cadres of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). As a politician, Ganjar claimed he knew when to work for a political party, people, and the government.
"I am PDIP cadre. The party is the same as Pak Jokowi's, so whether I am asked, I will definitely campaign. I must have the initiative," he emphasized.
Speaking in connection with the consequences of him having to resign from the post of Central Java governor in order to campaign, Ganjar claimed he was ready to implement the provisions and had discussed it with Deputy Governor of Central Java Taj Yasin Maimoen.

West Java Governor-elect Ridwan Kamil.
Meanwhile, the new West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil also stated his support to Jokowi in 2019 presidential election. He stressed that his political choice was obvious.
“I support Mr Jokowi in 2019 presidential election. It’s clear, doesn’t need to be questioned again,” said Ridwal after his inauguration as West Java Governor on Wednesday (Sept 5) at State Palace.
When being asked whether he would join Jokowi - Kiai Ma’ruf national campaign team, Ridwan said will learn the rules first. He wanted to make sure that it would not violate the law.
“If it’s not violate the rules, so it’s political right and there’s no problem,” Ridwan added.
Earlier, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) secretary general Hasto Kristiyanto said Indonesia Work Coalition (KIK) appointed former West Java deputy governor Deddy Mizwar as one of the spokespersons for Jokowi - Kiai Ma’ruf national campaign team. He also stressed had communicated with Ridwan as West Java governor-elect at that time. He said it was part of the winning strategy in the presidential election.