Jumat 14 Sep 2018 18:14 WIB

To campaign for Jokowi, regional heads remain on duty: KIK

Regional heads' position in campaign team structure not to disturb their duties.

Rep: Fauziah Mursid, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Incumbent President Joko Widodo (second right) hold hands with Vice Presidential Candidate KH Maruf Amin (right), Vice President Jusuf Kalla (second left) as chief of Steering Committe of National Campaign Team, and businessman Erick Thohir as chief of his National Campaign Team in Jakarta, Friday (Sept 7).
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Incumbent President Joko Widodo (second right) hold hands with Vice Presidential Candidate KH Maruf Amin (right), Vice President Jusuf Kalla (second left) as chief of Steering Committe of National Campaign Team, and businessman Erick Thohir as chief of his National Campaign Team in Jakarta, Friday (Sept 7).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesia Work Coalition (KIK) ensured regional heads for support incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) - KH Ma’ruf Amin pair will follow the rules. The statement came following a number of parties who questioned the participation of regional heads in supporting the pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2019 presidential election.

According to KIK national campaign team (TKN) deputy secretary Verry Surya Hendawan, the participation of the regional heads would not disturb their duties and functions. He stressed, all regional heads who support Jokowi - Kiai Ma’ruf pair post's will be very clear in the campaign team structure.

“TKN KIK will always follow the prevailing laws and regulations," Verry said on Friday (Sept 14).

Verry said KIK is currently developing regional campaign teams in 34 provinces and all districts / cities in Indonesia. He also explained that after the campaign team structure is established, the position of regional heads will be very clear and become official.

Meanwhile, Golkar Party secretary general who also KIK deputy chairman Lodewijk F Paulus emphasized that it would not be a matter if the regional heads are mobilized to win candidate pair in 2019 presidential election. He said as long as the campaign in every region follows the rules.

He said Golkar Party is ready to mobilize all its regional heads to win the Jokowi - Kiai Ma'ruf pair in 2019 presidential election. Lodewijk revealed that there are five provinces led by Golkar Party cadres and 139 mayors / regents, who also supported to win the pair.

“We are in Jokowi coalition, it’s automatically,” Lodewijk added.

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