Jumat 14 Sep 2018 20:18 WIB

Jokowi urges students to respond to global changes

President Jokowi calls on students to be ready to face industrial revolution 4.0.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
President Joko Widodo (center) inaugurates the 36th congress of the Indonesian Christian Students Movement, Bogor, West Java, on Friday.
Foto: Antara/Yulius Satria Wijaya
President Joko Widodo (center) inaugurates the 36th congress of the Indonesian Christian Students Movement, Bogor, West Java, on Friday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on students to move quickly to respond to global changes while taking anticipatory measures in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0. While opening the congress of the Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI) here on Friday, Jokowi affirmed that rapid changes in technology and global conditions must be addressed carefully.

"We must realize that there are changes occurring globally now. These changes are so fast. We must know and follow all, especially the young people," the president noted.

The students and participants of the GMKI congress were enthusiastic to hear the statement of the president. On the occasion Jokowi remarked that youngsters, the spearhead of the nation, were the most capable of following and taking the required measures in the face of the changes in the world.

Especially, the fourth industrial revolution, whose changes are said to be three thousand times faster than the first industrial revolution, requires the Indonesian people to really prepare themselves to be able to compete.