Rabu 26 Sep 2018 16:31 WIB

Political parties lost moral, social sensitivity: Busyro

Some political parties allow former corruption convicts to be lawmaker candidates.

Rep: Muhyiddin, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Busyro Muqoddas
Foto: dokumen
Former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Busyro Muqoddas

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Busyro Muqoddas assessed political parties were increasingly losing their moral and social sensitivity by allowing former corruption convicts to be legislative candidates in 2019 election. Therefore, Busyro urged people, especially the academic to wake up and stated their stance against it.

Busyro was concerned over the silence of academicians in responding currrent democratic condition in the country.

“I am a campus person, but I observe that our campuses, both state and private universities are too quiet and it's been going on for too long,” said Busyro on Tuesday (Sept 25).

Busyro assessed with its corrupt system, democracy in Indonesia has reached the lowest point. He said it was a multidimensional crisis and it started from political parties.

“So the source of the problem is political parties," Busyro added.

General Election Commission (KPU) has determined 7,968 permanent list candidates (CDT) House of Representatives (DPR) for 2019 election. From the list, there were 38 former corruption convicts.

Political Corruption Division of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Almas Sjafrina said the society has urged political parties to retract their support for 38 candidates who had been involved in corruption cases. On the other hand, some political parties claimed to feel cheated by their cadres.

In fact, she said some other parties also claimed not to know that their cadres at the regional level had been involved in corruption cases. Therefore, Almas asked the central level party to be more assertive by ordering its cadres in the region to immediately cross the names of former corrupt prisoners.

"I think in terms of time it is still possible to clear the name of the party by pulling the names of former prisoners of corruption cases who escaped from CDT," Almas said.

According to Almas, withdrawal of support for former corruption prisoners candidates will show the public that political parties still have a big commitment to the agenda of eradicating corruption and improving the parliament in the future. She expected 12 political parties will immediately revoke their support for former corruption convicts.

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