Senin 08 Oct 2018 16:12 WIB

KPU admits 2019 election voters data not yet matched

Around 31 million voters data in DP4 not matched with DPT.

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
KPU commissioner Viryan Azis
Foto: Republika/Mimi Kartika
KPU commissioner Viryan Azis

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — General Election Commission (KPU) admitted there were more than 31 million findings on unsynchronized voters data. KPU promised to evaluate the data to protect the people's rights to vote.

KPU commissioner Viryan Azis said he wanted to get input from various parties related to 2019 election voters data. The effort was done during the 60-day period to improve permanent voters data (DPT), which will end on November 15.

Based on Ministry of Home Affairs finding, as many as 31,975,830 voters data on the list of potential election voters (DP4) were not match with DPT. Viryan said the number was huge.

According to Viryan, those 31 million voters have done e-ID card recording, but their data have not included yet in the 2019 election DPT.

“With the large numbers, it’s necessary to protect the people’s suffrage in a structured, massive and participatory manner," Viryan added.

KPU has also established 69,834 service posts as a movement to protect voting rights. Through the post, KPU officers could collect voters data, while the public could check their data. KPU planned to increase the number of posts to reach 83 thousand points.

Earlier, Ministry of Home Affairs population and civil registration director general, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said there are around 31 voters data that not match with potential voters data (DP4). Based on the search for voters data by the ministry, it was estimated that the number of DPT 2019 election could reach more than 192 million.

"So based on the DPT data from the KPU then we match it with a list of residents who have fulfilled the requirements for admission to DP4. After being juxtaposed, we get incompatible data of more than 31 million," Zudan said.

The amount of DP4 data referred to is 196,545,636. Referring to Zudan's explanation, the DP4 data was then juxtaposed with the first phase of the improved DPT of 185,084,629. Then, in detail the non-conforming voters data was 31,975,830.

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