Rabu 24 Oct 2018 21:41 WIB

Agrarian Minister proud of land certification achievement

Agrarian Ministry says seven million target of land certification will be surpassed.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (BPN) Sofyan A. Djalil
Foto: BPN
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (BPN) Sofyan A. Djalil

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (BPN) Sofyan A. Djalil commented on his ministry's performance. He highlighted the achievement of a land certification program persistently boosted by the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla Government.

"Hence, we have been working for the past four years to provide better 'improved' services to the public. The most prominent is the achievement of certificates distributed to the community," Djalil remarked in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Djalil noted that the number of land certificates distributed to the public every year has continued to increase since 2015. In fact, the figure increased to five folds last year. Based on data from the Ministry of ATR/BPN, in 2015, some 967 thousand certificates were issued. The figure then rose to 1.16 million land certificates in 2016 and significantly to 5.4 million certificates in 2017.

"Earlier, the achievement of 500 to 800 thousand new land certificates distributed in 2016 increased to one million. When I was transferred here, I was given a target of five million. Thank God, last year, 5.4 million fields were registered to receive certificates," Djalil added.

Meanwhile, this year until September 2018, some 3.96 million certificates were distributed to the public. Djalil believes that the target of seven million certificates this year can be achieved.

"This year, the target set is seven million. We are certain that, with God willing, more than that can be achieved. Friends on the field said that the seven million target will be surpassed," Djalil remarked.

Overall, from 2015 to September 31, 2018, some 11.49 million land parcels have been registered.

Also read: Land certification intensified to overcome disputes: Jokowi

For 2019 alone, the government targets nine million land parcels to be certified, while for 2020 and so on, every year, 10 million land certificates can be distributed to the public. In 2025, all land in Indonesia is targeted to be certified.

He believes that the target can be achieved, especially at this time, as the Ministry of ATR/BPN is supported by nine thousand surveyors wherein nearly seven thousand surveyors are independent certified surveyors from the community.

"Hopefully, this would be achieved with the approach and all the information we obtain, including involving the community as a surveyor. Our surveyors when I enter here are two thousand people, and most of them have become officials."

"Today, we have nine thousand surveyors and seven thousand certified surveyors. This will also create a new profession that we will continue to develop," he remarked.

Djalil admitted to obstacles encountered in the land certification program, including the first being network constraints in the area, so "input" achievements in the system were slower.

Secondly, community participation was still low due to fears of paying taxes if the certificate was completed.

In addition, the public's understanding of the Complete Systemic Land Registration (PTSL) is less precise, especially in pre-PTSL payments that are not covered by the APBN.

The other aspect is understanding the different laws on Joint Decrees of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Villages for the Development of Disadvantaged Areas concerning the Financing of Systematic Land Registration.

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