Jumat 26 Oct 2018 17:53 WIB

Bawaslu discontinues Ratna Sarumpaet hoax case

Bawaslu says no violation of election regulation on Ratna hoax case.

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Suspect on hoax case Ratna Sarumpaet (center) escorted by police officers after performing psychological test at Jakarta Metro Police headquarters prison, Jakarta, Wednesday (Oct 10).
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
Suspect on hoax case Ratna Sarumpaet (center) escorted by police officers after performing psychological test at Jakarta Metro Police headquarters prison, Jakarta, Wednesday (Oct 10).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) decided to stop the handling of activist Ratna Sarumpaet hoax (fake news) case. Thus, the case that allegedly violated election regulation can not be proceed to the investigation stage in the police.

Based on the examination, Bawaslu determined to stop the case with the report number 03/LP/PP/RI/0/0.00/X/2018. Bawaslu said Prabowo Subianto, Fadli Zon, Dahnil Simanjuntak, Hanum Rais and Rachel Maryam did not violate any regulation as stipulated in Law N0. 7/2017 on Election.

Bawaslu member Rahmat Bagja confirmed the decision to terminate Ratna hoax case. He stressed that the decision was officially become recommendation from Bawaslu.

“Yes it does not meet the element of violation and campaign element. It’s our official recommendation, so this case can’t be proceed to the investigation stage,” Rahmat said.

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According to Bawaslu, Ratna hoax case was reported by Silas Dutu. People who reported in the case specifically were Prabowo Subianto, Fadli Zon, Dahnil Simanjuntak, Hanum Rais, and Rachel Maryam. They all are part of National Winning Agency (BPN) or the success team of Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Uno pair.

Earlier, Bawaslu member Fritz edward Siregar said his party will not schedule again the examination against Ratna. It was due to Ratna can meet clarification request on Friday (Oct 26).

“Bawaslu works in accordance with the time we have and tomorrow (today) is the last day of the criminal handling of the case,” Fritz said on Wednesday (Oct 25).

Bawaslu has held plenary session to determine the status of Ratna hoax case. Fritz asserted a number of clarification results from people who have reported, expert witnesses from General Election Commission (KPU), and evidences discussed in the plenary. The result the can be used to make decision against Ratna hoax case.

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Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertobatlah kepada Allah dengan tobat yang semurni-murninya, mudah-mudahan Tuhan kamu akan menghapus kesalahan-kesalahanmu dan memasukkan kamu ke dalam surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, pada hari ketika Allah tidak mengecewakan Nabi dan orang-orang yang beriman bersama dengannya; sedang cahaya mereka memancar di hadapan dan di sebelah kanan mereka, sambil mereka berkata, “Ya Tuhan kami, sempurnakanlah untuk kami cahaya kami dan ampunilah kami; Sungguh, Engkau Mahakuasa atas segala sesuatu.”

(QS. At-Tahrim ayat 8)

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