REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Participants of tawheed (Laa Ilaha Ilallah, the oneness of God) defense rally left Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs building gradually. The demonstration which began at 13.00 WIB (Indonesia West Standard Time) on Friday (Oct 26) went orderly.
Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Agus Surya Bakti received representatives of mass in his office at around 14.00 WIB. He said all the aspirations conveyed by representatives of the action led by ustaz Yusuf Martak had been received.
“The aspirations have been recorded and will be submitted to Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs,” Agus added on Friday (Oct 27).
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Tawheed defense action is initiated by a number of Islamic organizations that joined and named themselves as Barisan Nusantara Pembela Tauhid (BNPT) to respond the incident that happened in Garut, West Java. The decision to hold the action fired by refusal of GP Ansor to apologize over tawheed flag burning case.
"Last night, Islamic mass organizations gathered and after GP Ansor statement, we are more excited to hold this action," said chairman a group that called themselves as Alumni 212, Slamet Ma'arif.
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) stated the flag that was burned in the incident was tawheed flag. No symbol of disbanded organization, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, symbol in the flag. MUI also asked perpetrators of the incident to apologize and admit their mistake to Muslims.
One participant of tawheed defense action, Kamaluddin said the flag burning incident should not be repeated in the future. He wanted the perpetrators to apologize.

Muslims take to the street over tawheed flag burning incident. They convey their aspirations to the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (Oct 27).
Meanwhile, other rally also staged in front of GP Ansor office at Kramat Raya Street, Central Jakarta. According to Nahdlatul Ulama member M Jamaluddin, the mass came to GP Ansor office at around 15.00 WIB. Nevertheless, no friction occured as representatives of both parties were able to manage their respective members.
“Finally we met with habib to condition the mass, we also embrace each other,” Jamaluddin said.
When his office was surrounded by the mass, Jamaluddin confirmed that one of GP Ansor members died. However, the cause of death was due to exhausted after staying up all night.
“It’s not true (due to clash), he died before Ashar prayer,” Jamaluddin added.
The flag containing the Arabic writing of Tawheed was burned by several members of Nahdlatul Ulama's (NU's) youth wing, Gerakan Pemuda Ansor (GP Ansor) on National Santri Day on Oct 22 in Garut, West Java.
For millions of Muslims around the world, tawhid (tawheed), meaning "oneness (of God)," is the indivisible oneness concept of monotheism in Islam and the religion's central and single-most important concept, upon which a Muslim's entire faith rests.
The incident was condemned by various Islamic clerics arguing that the flag containing the writing of Tawheed was commonly used by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).