Jumat 26 Oct 2018 22:57 WIB

Muslims take to the street over flag burning case

A flag bearing tawheed sentence burned by members of Banser in Garut on Monday.

Rep: Muhammad Ikhwanuddin, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Muslims take to the street over tawheed flag burning incident. They convey their aspirations to the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (Oct 27).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Muslims take to the street over tawheed flag burning incident. They convey their aspirations to the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (Oct 27).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Participants of tawheed (Laa Ilaha Ilallah, the oneness of God) defense rally left Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs building gradually. The demonstration which began at 13.00 WIB (Indonesia West Standard Time) on Friday (Oct 26) went orderly.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Agus Surya Bakti received representatives of mass in his office at around 14.00 WIB. He said all the aspirations conveyed by representatives of the action led by ustaz Yusuf Martak had been received.

“The aspirations have been recorded and will be submitted to Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs,” Agus added on Friday (Oct 27).

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