Selasa 30 Oct 2018 00:17 WIB

Police names tawheed flag burners as suspects

A flag bearing tawheed sentence burned by members of Banser in Garut on last Monday.

Rep: Mabruroh/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tawheed flag. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Ahmad Subaidi
Tawheed flag. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Police have named two suspects on tawheed flag --which stated by police as former Islamic mass organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) flag-- burning case. The two suspects identified by their initials as M and F.

According to Director of General Crimes of the West Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Umar Surya Fana, M and F were determined as suspects based on Article 174 of Criminal Code related to allegation of making an uproar on a general assembly. The police have pocketed evidences and examined witnesses on the case.

Police also have examined U, the flag carrier whom they called as intruder to the National Santri Day event on last Monday (Oct 22). Earlier on Friday (Oct 26), U has been named suspect for creating an uproar. He could face three weeks in jail and fine of Rp900 if found guilty.

"We have three suspects, namely the flag owner and two men who burn the flag," Umar said when contacted by, on Monday (Oct 29).