Kamis 01 Nov 2018 16:11 WIB

Ideology coaching, govt should not intervene campus too far

FRI says govt should trust the campus for ideology coaching.

Rep: Gumanti Awaliyah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Students orientation program. (File photo)
Foto: Antara
Students orientation program. (File photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesian Rector Forum (FRI) said the obligation for campuses to establish a Student Activity Unit for National Ideology Guards (UKM PIB) was not appropriate. According to FRI, government should trust the model of ideological coaching to universities.

FRI believed campuses know best about the model if ideological coaching for its students. However, the government has obliged the establishment of UKM PIB as one of the instructions from Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation (Permenristekdikti) No. 5/2019 on Development of National Ideology in Student Activities.

FRI reminded that the government should not go too far and intervened the campuses. "The two parties could end up blaming each other if the intervention is too strong,” said FRI Advisory Board deputy, Prof. Asep Saifuddin on Wednesday (Oct 31).

He asserted the only key to suppres radicalism on campus is to ensure all form of discourse (dialogue or rational discussion) that develops among lecturers and students did not bring emotions based on tribal affiliation, religion, race, and societal groups (SARA) or practical politic. He stressed campus is a place for developing thoughts from the results of in-depth studies and research.

Therefore, involvement of extra campuses organizations in UKM PIB could potentially create new problems. Asep said if UKM PIB is seen as "campuses' police to control the students", it would be counter-productive.

According to Asep, it will best if all internal campuses organizations were based on knowledge. Meanwhile, external organizations should stay outside the campuses.

Asep said UKM PIB approcah will only lead to arguments, which is less productive. On the other hand, the root of the problem has never been studied. So, he encouraged that the improvement of campus life should not be partial, patchy and sporadic.

“Let's see now, is it true that universities already have autonomy that can stimulate critical and analytical thinking? I don't think so,” Asep added.

Asep said government intervention has been too far. He put the case of rector election, opening majors, research competitions, management, and finance as examples.

Asep revealed coaching the ideology of the nation should be done since orientation of new students and continued until graduation. The implementation of the nation's ideology and national commitment can be carried out by universities in the form of community service in the target area determined by each university.

“Thus, if universities have an average of 18 assisted villages, then (with the number of universities around 4,000) all villages in Indonesia receive attention from universities to be promoted and prospered, where students be involved in national service for the welfare,” Asep explained.

Also read: Govt to study new rules related radicalism at universities

On Oct 29, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education issued Regulation No. 55 Year 2018 on Development of National Ideology in Student Activities. The regulation was issued as government’s effort to prevent and suppress intolerant notions and radicalism at campuses.

Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir revealed based on the Alvara Research Center survey involving 1,800 students in 25 Universities indicated as many as 19.6 percent supported regional regulations (Perda) of Shari'ah. Then 25.3 percent of them agreed to the establishment of an Islamic state, 16.9 percent supported Islamic ideology, 29.5 percent did not support Islamic leaders and around 2.5 percent were potentially radical.

The Ministerial Regulation No. 55 Year 2018 also regulates that all campuses must form a Student Activity Unit for the National Ideology Guards (UKM PIB). The student's organization is under the supervision of the chancellor and extra-student organizations may join and become one of the guards of the ideology in UKMPIB.

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