Jumat 02 Nov 2018 15:00 WIB

Jokowi calls on millenials to use social media well

Jokowi asks young generation to not spread hatred through social media.

Ilustrasi Media Sosial
Foto: pixabay
Ilustrasi Media Sosial

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on young employees or millenials at state-owned companies (BUMN) to be able to make use of social media well. He also hoped that the young generation would not spread hatred, slanders or hoaxes through social media.

"Use social media for making good changes, changing mindset, way of thinking or paradigm so that the benefits of openness, digital economy would really bring advantages to our nation and our country," he said at a meeting with millenials of BUMNs at The Telkom Hub here on Thursday evening.

People must use social media with a sense of responsibility, he added.

"This is important because the new technology is like that meaning it must be used with a moral standard higher than the technology itself," he said.

Jokowi inaugurated "The Telkom Hub" that day as a means of developing digital culture of the Indonesian community, advancing economy and developing digital entepreneurship.

On the occasion President Jokowi also called on BUMNs to be responsive and quick in making decisions with regard to making them able to take opportunities that come and make innovations to develop their businesses.

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