Kamis 25 Oct 2018 01:45 WIB

No need to stage rally over tawheed flag case: Ma'ruf

A flag bearing tawheed sentence burned by members of Banser in Garut on Monday.

Rep: Binti Sholikah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tawheed flag. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Ahmad Subaidi
Tawheed flag. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO—  A vice presidential candidate of presidential candidate President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), KH Ma’ruf Amin said tawheed (Laa Ilaha Ilallah, the oneness of God) flag burning incident should be handed over to the police. He urged people not to let the case cause a big noise.

Ma’ruf asked people to fully hand over the case to the authorities. He asked the people to believe the police, as the party who will investigate the incident.

“We just believe to the police (the case) to be investigated,” said Ma’ruf when visiting Al-Muayyad Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) in Solo, Central Java on Wednesday (Oct 24).

Also read: Tawheed flag burning reaps condemnation

Ma’ruf also said the people should not stage demonstration against the incident. He asserted police will solve the case that has triggered a lot of questions and argumentation between people.

"I think we don't need demonstration, later police will solve it (the case)," Ma'ruf added.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Ulema Council strongly condemned the people behind the case. “MUI and Muslims strongly condemned the incident of tawheed flag that was burned. We ask the law enforcement authorities immediately arrest the perpetrators in accordance with applicable law,” said MUI chairman KH Muhyiddin Junaidi on Monday (Oct 22).

He also asked law enforcement can be carried out fairly. Thus, social stability, security, and peace in the community can be maintained properly.

The incident of a flag bearing tawheed sentence burning in Garut, West Java reaped condemnation from societies. They strongly condemned the case that started by the spread of videos that record tawheed flag that was burned the perpetrators who considered the flag as representation of former Islamic mass organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), which has been disbanded by the government.


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