Rabu 07 Nov 2018 22:37 WIB

Indonesia owns world conference on creative economy brand

Indonesia organizes world conference on creative economy for first time in Bali.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Triawan Munaf
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Triawan Munaf

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The head of the Indonesian Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf), Triawan Munaf, has said that Indonesia is the official owner of the World Conference on Creative Economy (WCCE) brand. The even is now being held in Bali and is expected to be hosted by other countries in future.

"We have been asked by other countries to hold the next WCCE in Dubai and Colombia. Some countries have asked us to hold the event in several different places. We should be selective because we hold this WCCE brand," Munaf stated here on Wednesday.

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He explained that Indonesia now has a brand for a world-class creative economic conference that can be applied abroad. "This brand has been recognized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This conference has been recognized, and they hope that the conference will be held regularly," he noted, after opening the WCCE, which is held from Nov 6 to 8, 2018.

According to Munaf, Bekraf does not want the WCCE event to be held in a minimum facility because Indonesia is the owner of the WCCE brand. He added that on the last day of the WCCE event in Bali, Bekraf would announce the next country to hold the conference.