REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Acts of terrorism are absolutely a foe of Islam, currently embraced by more than two billion people across the globe, Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu stated. He said that acts of terrorism have nothing to do with the religion.
"Acts of terrorists do not represent Islam at all. Islam is not like that. Instead, what they do have is indeed tarnished the image of Islam. Hence, they are actually the real enemy of Islam," he emphasized here on Thursday.
Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of a seminar titled "Ensuring Regional Stability Through Cooperation on Counter Terrorism" held as part of the 2018 Indo Defense and Forum, he noted that Islam is "rahmatan lil alamin," or blessing for the universe.
In halting the spread of terrorism and countering the threats of this crime against humanity, multilateral cooperation and collaboration involving all elements of community members within a nation are deemed necessary, Ryacudu remarked.
Speaking in connection with the ideology and acts of terrorism, General President of the Grand Mosque in Mecca and Prophet's Mosque in Medina Sheikh Abdurrahman As-Sudais stressed that they run contrary to the teachings of Islam that promote compassion and tolerance. He reiterated that terrorism has no religion and culture.
"However, several parties are attempting to change the image of Islam," Sheikh As-Sudais noted in a recent statement via a short message service received by Antara.

General President of the Grand Mosque in Mecca and Prophet's Mosque in Medina Sheikh Abdurrahman As-Sudais
Indonesia has become the target of attacks by terrorists since 2000, and the spread of radicalism and terrorism continue to threaten the country until now.
Antara noted that last May, a church in the East Java city of Surabaya was attacked. Two years ago, the ISIS supporters in Indonesia had launched a suicide bombing and shooting attack in Jakarta on January 14, 2016, which led to the deaths of eight people, including three innocent civilians.
The incident has added to the list of deadly assaults carried out by terrorist cells in Indonesia. From 2000 to 2012, more than a dozen attacks took place in the capital city, including the Australian embassy bombing on September 9, 2004, and the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotel bombings on July 17, 2009.
One of the best ways to free Indonesia from the vicious circle of radicalism and terrorism is empowering women in the country, as they can actively contribute to the rescue of Indonesian children from being misled by terrorist recruiters.