Selasa 13 Nov 2018 17:17 WIB

KPK supports announcement of 40 candidates ex-graft convicts

KPK says voters have the right to know background of lawmaker candidates.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
KPK spokesperson Febri Diansyah
Foto: Antara/Indrianto Eko Suwarso
KPK spokesperson Febri Diansyah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AKARTA — Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) fully supported General Election Commission (KPU) plan to announce 40 names of legislative candidates (caleg) known as former corruption convicts. According to the anti-graft institution, the announcement is really important to fulfill public rights.

“Voters have the right to know who they are going to choose, so they are not mistaken,” said KPK spokesperson Febri Diansyah on Tuesday (Nov 13).

KPK encouraged the announcement of 40 legislative candidates who are also former corruption convicts to public, so people can be more selective. Currently, House of Representatives (DPR) members who were involved in corruption cases are 69 people. While, there are 150 Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) members involved in corruption cases.

Also read: KPU has two options in announcing ex graft convicts identity

KPK reminded people to choose legislative candidates who are truly honest and have integrity. Febri called on people to not choose lawmaker candidates who offer money to buy votes.

“They are not worthy to be chosen,” Febri added.

Earlier, KPU commissioners visited KPK building to discuss 40 former corruption convicts who become legislative candidates. After the meeting, KPK asked KPU to announce the 40 names to public.

“It’s likely we will announce 40 former corruption convicts who become legislative candidates,” KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan said.

In addition, KPK and KPU will socialize and provide education to people, in order to fight money politics in 2019 election. Both of institutions considered that people should really understand money politics is the beginning of corruption.

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