Selasa 20 Nov 2018 12:15 WIB

Four defendants in Haringga’s death case revoke appeal

Haringga Sirila was killed in the courtyard of the Bandung Lautan Api sports stadium.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Sole judge Suwanto reads the verdict in Haringga Sirla death case in Bandung District Court, West Java, Tuesday (Nov 6).
Foto: Antara/M Agung Rajasa
Sole judge Suwanto reads the verdict in Haringga Sirla death case in Bandung District Court, West Java, Tuesday (Nov 6).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG — Four defendants in violence case that resulted death of Persija Jakarta supporter, Haringga Sirila revoked their appeal legal effort. They decided to accept the judge decision, which sentenced them between three and four years imprisonment.

“They have revoked their appeal file on last Friday (Nov 16),” said the defendants lawyer, Dadang Sukmawijaya on Monday (Nov 19).

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The four defendants are minors with initial SH (17), AAP (15), TD (17), and AF (16). Previously, they filed an appeal to West Java High Court as they considered the decision was too heavy and did not refer to Correctional Institution (Bapas) recommendation.

According to Dadang, the four defendants revoked the appeal based on families' request. The perpetrators have admitted their mistake that caused the death of Haringga.

All of minors defendants in Haringga’s death case were encouraged to continue their study, especially for SH and TD who are currently in the third grade at Vocational High School (SMK). Both of them will coordinate with their schools to be able to take final national examination (UAN). 

Haringga died after being mobbed by rival supporters during a match between Persib Bandung and Persija Jakarta at Bandung Lautan Api Stadium on Sunday (Sept 23). Hundreds of bystanders did not come to his aid.

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