Kamis 22 Nov 2018 05:23 WIB

A man arrested for spreading hoax about fake e-ID cards

The suspect's Youtube post about fake e-ID cards gets 93,000 clicks.

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
National Police spokesman Dedi Prasetyo
Foto: Arif Satrio Nugroho/Republika
National Police spokesman Dedi Prasetyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — National Police arrested a man with SY initials for spreading fake news via Youtube. The 35-year-old man spreaded a video titled ‘110 millions e-ID cards made by China ready to defeat Prabowo was arrested by the Indonesian Military (TNI), where was the National Police’.

SY was arrested in Bandung, West Java on Tuesday (Nov 20). According to National Police spokesman Dedi Prasetyo, the video contained compilation of several videos.

Dedi said the suspect claimed that he combined some videos from Facebook and uploaded it to Youtube. The suspect said he did not seek clarification on contents that appeared in newsfeed of his Facebook account.

One of contents in video is about the arrest that conducted by Tidore Police against fake e-ID cards makers in last November 2017. SY admitted that he wanted to get advertisements from news video that he created and uploaded on Youtube.

“The news about fake e-ID cards that uploaded by suspect on Youtube has been watched for 93,000 times. It can cause misunderstanding in the community,” Dedi added.

Dedi said investigator has seized equipments used by the suspect to upload fake news. SY allegedly violated Article 15 Law No. 1 Year 1946 on Criminal Law Regulations, due to broadcast uncertain news or excessive or incomplete news, with threat maximum two years imprisonment.

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