Kamis 13 Dec 2018 16:55 WIB

Chinese nationals dominate violation of immigration

Malaysian nationals rank fifth in violating immigration law in Indonesia.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah, Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Director General of Immigration Ronny Franky Sompie (center)
Foto: Antara/Indrianto Eko Suwarso
Director General of Immigration Ronny Franky Sompie (center)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Directorate General of Immigration and all technical implementation unit (TIU) of immigration has implemented Immigration Administrative Action (TAK) against 4,627 foreigners in 2018. The actions included deportation, detention, imposition of costs of expenses, and cancellation of residency permit.

"Chinese nationals violated the most with as much as 299 people, followed by Afghan nationals (270 people), Vietnamese (261 people_, and Nigerian (253 people)," Director General of Immigration Ronny Franky Sompie said, during a press conference on the results of enforcement of immigration law 2018 in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Malaysia's citizens ranked fifth with 147 people affected by TAK. Ronny added, immigration investigators also conducted immigration enforcement in form of Pro-justice Actions on 141 cases.

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To supervise foreigners, there have been established 2,690 Foreigners Monitoring Teams (Timpora) throughout Indonesia. Timpora carried out 786 joint supervision of foreigners.

"Timpora has also been formed in 2,185 sub-districts. There are 137 Timpora Secretariats throughout Indonesia," he said.

Directorate General of Immigration also conducted supervision and law enforcement for Indonesian nationals. Ronny revealed that there were 5,785 applicants for passports who were postponed in 125 immigration offices, because they were suspected to be labor forces.

"In Medan, 642 (passports), Pontianak 402, Jember 315, Tanjung Balai Karimun 305, Jambi 270, Wonosobo 239, Polewali Mandar 211, Kediri 201, Pamekasan 190, Entikong 154," Ronny explained.

In line with the postponement of the issuance of passports for Indonesian citizens, there were also 408 people who were delayed in 25 immigration checkpoint throughout Indonesia. According to Ronny, they were suspected to become victims of human trafficking.

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