Kamis 13 Dec 2018 17:34 WIB

Bali shopping centers support plastic bag reduction movement

Govt has launched a campaign to clean the country's coasts from plastic waste.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Plastic bag.
Foto: Flickr.com
Plastic bag.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- Chairman of the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association Board (APPBI) for Bali Province Gita Sunarwulan voiced support for the movement to reduce the use of plastic bags at shopping centers, including major modern ones. Sunarwulan remarked that the people and visitors were also expected to support the government's program in creating a clean environment.

"In principle, we support the movement and have called on shopping centers, especially those in Bali, to reduce the use of plastic bags," Sunarwulan noted on the sidelines of Bali Ultimage Great Sale here on Thursday.

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Sunarwulan affirmed that it is an effort to follow up on the government's program to reduce and also negate the use of plastic bags. Data released by the government showed that plastic waste pollution had disrupted the ocean ecosystem.

"We have appealed to APPBI members to follow the government regulations, so that in future, the environment will be better," she stated.