Ahad 16 Dec 2018 06:05 WIB

Indonesia aims to attract 3.5 million Chinese tourists

An estimated 120 million Chinese tourists holiday abroad every year.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tourists visit Guwang Sukawati Art Market, Gianyar, Bali.
Foto: Yogi Ardhi/Republika
Tourists visit Guwang Sukawati Art Market, Gianyar, Bali.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIJING -- Indonesia has targeted to attract 3.5 million Chinese tourists to visit various tourist destinations in the country next year. Previously, Indonesia has set a target of three million Chinese tourist arrivals in the country for 2018.

"If the situation is normal, I believe the target could be achieved," Indonesian Tourism Minister Arief Yahya stated here on Saturday.

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However, the Tourism Ministry revised downward the target to 2.6 million following a series of earthquakes in the island of Lombok and a disastrous earthquake and a subsequent tsunami in the province of Central Sulawesi. More than 1.87 million Chinese tourists visited Indonesia during the January-October 2018 period.

In 2017, the ministry had targeted to attract 2.5 million Chinese tourists. However, the number of Chinese tourist arrivals in the country reached less than two million, apparently due to the eruption of Mount Agung in the resort island of Bali.