Rabu 09 Jan 2019 00:30 WIB

Police nabs content creator of fake news on marked ballots

Hoax on marked ballots went viral on social media platforms.

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Spokeperson of the National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo
Foto: Republika/Ijal Rosikhul Ilmi
Spokeperson of the National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The content creator of the hoax regarding seven containers with marked ballots in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta has been arrested by the police. The content creator was nabbed in Bekasi, East Java.

"One person has been arrested in Bekasi, and is currently under investigation by the team," said spokeperson of the National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed on Tuesday (Jan 8).

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The police was still reluctant to reveal the initials of the content creator of fake news. Dedi explained, the content creator was still being examined by a team of investigators.

Previously, the police said they had identified the hoax producers of marked ballots. Hoax on seven containers of marked ballot papers cast in Tanjung Priok was spread through voicemail. Written texts and images also spreaded on various social media platforms.

The police together with General Election Commission (KPU) and Election Supervise Body (Bawaslu) confirmed the content as fake news. Before nailing the content creators, the police planned to examine the voice spread on social media in a forensic laboratory.

"We will identify the voice, when the evidence is strong, the investigators will not hesitate to enforce the law," Dedi explained.

According to Dedi, the police are targeting content creators and buzzers of the fake news. The creators are considered the most responsible party for producing hoax. Meanwhile, buzzer team are those who first spread the hoax in all social media platforms.

"The creators and buzzer teams will be subject to the Information and Electronic Transaction Act," Dedi said.

Police arrested the three suspect of buzzers in a number of areas, namely HY in Bogor (West Java), LS in Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) and J in Brebes (Central Java). They were not detentained as they are subjected to article 15 of Act Number 1 of 1946 with sanction under 5 years in prison.

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