Selasa 15 Jan 2019 17:53 WIB

Police arrest third suspect as online prostitution pimp

East Java Police says that one other suspect is still at large.

Rep: Dadang Kurnia, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Spokesperson of East Java Police Frans Barung Mangera.
Foto: Republika/Dadang Kurnia
Spokesperson of East Java Police Frans Barung Mangera.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Spokeperson of East Java Regional Police, Police Commissioner Frans Barung Mangera revealed that the police have arrested one more suspect in celebrities online prostitution. A woman with initials F, 32, was arrested in Jakarta on Monday (Jan 14) night.

"We arrested her and she already become a suspect," said Barung at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters, in Surabaya, on Tuesday (Jan 15).

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He explained, so far three people have been named suspects following the detainment of F. Earlier, the police had arrested ES (37 yo) and TN (28 yo) as alleged pimps on January 5.

According to Barung, one other suspect was still at large. The suspect allegedly was in Jakarta or Bandung (West Java).