Kamis 24 Jan 2019 04:10 WIB

PA 212 hopes Ahok takes lessons from his case

Ahok to be free from jail on January 24.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Convicted in blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)
Convicted in blasphemy case, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) Slamet Maarif responded to the freedom of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok on Thursday (Jan 24) tomorrow. He hoped that the former governor of DKI Jakarta could take lessons from the case.

PA 212 was formed as a derivative of the peaceful rally held on December 2, 2016. The rally was carried out as a Muslims' reaction on Ahok's statement about the 51 verse of al Ma'idah while giving a speech at Kepulauan Seribu.

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The rally said to be attended by millions of people demanded law enforcement against the blasphemy case of Ahok. On May 9, 2017, the panel of judges led by Dwiarso Budi Santiarto sentenced Ahok to two years imprisonment for being proven to have committed acts of blasphemy as stipulated in Article 156 a letter a of the Criminal Code.

Having served the detention period, he will be released on Thursday (Jan 24).

Ahok's attorney, Teguh Samudera said, after being released from the Mako Brimob Detention House, Ahok will immediately rest at his residence at Pantai Mutiara, Pluit, Penjaringan, in North Jakarta. The next plan, after several days in Jakarta, Ahok will leave for his hometown in East Belitung.

"Later maybe after a few days in Jakarta, if it's enough, then he'll go to East Belitung," Teguh said.

Regarding the release of Ahok, the spokesperson of the National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, said that there was no special security measure in escorting the release of former regent of East Belitung.

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