Jumat 25 Jan 2019 00:37 WIB

NU elderly clerics express supports to Jokowi-Ma'ruf

NU elderly clerics aim to secure 70 percent vote to Jokowi-Ma'ruf in East Java.

Rep: Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice Presidential Candidate Ma'ruf Amin (center) accompanied by Leader of Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School KH Anwar Mansur (right) and KH Anwar Iskandar (left). (File photo)
Foto: Antara/Prasetia Fauzani
Vice Presidential Candidate Ma'ruf Amin (center) accompanied by Leader of Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School KH Anwar Mansur (right) and KH Anwar Iskandar (left). (File photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Dozens of East Java elderly clerics of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) united their support for presidential and vice presidential candidates Joko Widodo - Ma'ruf Amin in the 2019 presidential elections. They held closed meetings with Ma'ruf, in Surabaya, on Wednesday (Jan 23).

"We are East Java kiai and NU residents are one word, one sentence, one line, in the upcoming presidential election, our votes for Kiai Ma'ruf," said the representative of NU's elderly kiai, KH Anwar Iskandar.

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Anwar said, in the meeting there were dozens of representatives of East Java clerics. In addition to support for Jokowi-Ma'ruf, they also agreed to optimize their vote base, especially through a network of Islamic boarding schools and alumni spread throughout East Java.

By optimizing the network, Anwar believed that Jokowi-Ma'ruf's vote acquisition can reach a minimum of 70 percent in East Java. Meanwhile, the elderly clerics of NU East Java also agreed on a great effort that would be carried out by the its Executive Board (PBNU) to carry out worship in commemoration of NU's birthday as well as pray for the safety of the nation and state.

"We agree to propose to the PBNU the importance of an istighotsah ahead of election, in Jakarta for the safety of the nation and the state. In the framework of NU's birthday, we invite a million of (NU cadres) in Jakarta," he said.

The clerics present at the meeting were the founders of the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school KH Anwar Manshur, manager of Al Falah Islamic boarding school KH Zainuddin Djazuli, manager of Al Amin Islamic Boarding School KH Anwar Iskandar and Rais Aam, PBNU KH Miftahul Akhyar. In addition, other senior clerics included KH Fuad Mun'im Jazuli, KH Abdullah Kafabih, KH Ali Masyhuri, KH Idris Hamid, KH Nuruddin, KH A Muqsit Idris, KH Ja'far Yusuf and KH Abdul Matin.

Then KH Syafi'uddin Wahid, KH A Salam, KH Abd A'la, KH Mutawakkil Alallah, KH Ubaidillah Faqih, LH Ahmad Fahrur Rozi, KH Abdulhadi, KH Syamli Muqsith, KH Fuad, and KH Ramdlan Siraj.

sumber : Antara
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