Senin 28 Jan 2019 23:00 WIB

Ahmad Dhani sentenced to 1.5 years in prison

Ahmad Dhani jailed for his provocative tweets.

Rep: Rahma Sulistya, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Musician and politician Ahmad Dhani sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for spreading hate speech. The verdict was read by South Jakarta District Court on Monday (Jan 28).
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Musician and politician Ahmad Dhani sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for spreading hate speech. The verdict was read by South Jakarta District Court on Monday (Jan 28).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The South Jakarta District Court read out the verdict on the case of hate speech, which involved musician Ahmad Dhani, on Monday (Jan 28). In the trial, the judge decided to sentence the father of Al, El, and Dul for one and half years in prison.

"Stating Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo aka Ahmad Dhani was proven legally and convincingly guilty. And sentencing the defendant Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo to imprisonment for one year and six months," said the Presiding Judge, Ratmoho, at a hearing held at the South Jakarta District Court on Monday (Jan 28).

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Ratmoho said Ahmad Dhani was proven to have committed a criminal act intentionally and without rights, ordered to conduct and disseminate information, which was intended to cause hatred or hostility. Through his Twitter account @AHMADDHANIPRAST, there were three tweets that were proven to be aimed at one particular community group based on ethnicity, religion, race, and inter- groups (SARA).

"Ordering the defendant to be detained, and the evidence stipulated by the public prosecutor to be seized for destruction, namely one simcard to be destroyed by means of being disabled," said Ratmoho.

In his Twitter account, on the first tweet Ahmad Dhani wrote 'The one who defamed the religion was Ahok... but KH Ma'ruf Amin was the one who got harrasment.' Then the second tweet 'Anyone who supports blasphemy convict is a bastard who needs to be spit on - ADP.'

And third, it read 'The first sentence on Pancasila is Belief in the One and Only God, but the blasphemy convict became Governor ... are you insane?? - ADP'.

Ahmad Dhani was previously charged with two years in prison by the prosecutor.

The prosecutor explained, they still referred to the article charged, the evidence at the trial and the testimony of witnesses and experts.

Also read: Ahmad Dhani meets Police summons on alleged hate speech

From the various considerations, the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office still demands Ahmad Dhani two years in prison for having violated Article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 19/2016 concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 / 2008 Electronic Information and Transactions jo Article 55 paragraph (1) article 1 Criminal Code.

A resident named Jack Lapian reported Dhani who wrote the status that is considered inciting and spreading hatred through Twitter account "@AHMADDHANIPRAST" on March 6, 2017.

Jack Lapian reported Dhani to Jakarta Metro Police based on Police Report No. LP / 1192 / III / 2017 / PMJ / Dit Reskrimsus related to Article 28 paragraph 2 juncto Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law RI Number 19 Year 2016 on Transaction and Electronic Information (ITE). However, Jakarta Metro Police delegated the investigation report to South Jakarta Metro Police.

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