Rabu 30 Jan 2019 02:05 WIB

Jokowi orders revision of military retirement age

Jokowi says military soldiers are still fresh and productive even at 53 years.

President Joko Widodo (center) prepares to join the photo session after the joint meeting of the military and police leadership at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday.
Foto: Antara/Puspa Perwitasari
President Joko Widodo (center) prepares to join the photo session after the joint meeting of the military and police leadership at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered a revision of the retirement age for the military personnel from 53 years to 58 years old. According to Jokowi, military soldiers are still fresh and productive even at 53 years.

"I have ordered the Law and Human Rights Minister and the Military Chief to revise the retirement age for enlisted personnel (tamtama) and non-commissioned officer (bintara) from 53 years to 58 years old," Jokowi stated at the joint meeting of the military and police leadership here on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the retirement age for the Indonesian police personnel is set at 58 years old.

"At 53 years, (soldiers) are still productive, but they have to retire, while for the Indonesian Police, the retirement age is 58," Jokowi noted.

The Indonesian Military Commander Air Chief Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto remarked that article 53 of the law no. 34/2004 on the Indonesian military would be revised regarding the retirement age. Tjahjanto denied accusation that the revision of retirement age would slow down progress in some positions.

The military chief revealed that he would submit the plan on revision of article 53 and 57 of the law regarding positions in ministries and state institutions that could be occupied by active military personnel.

sumber : Antara
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