Rabu 30 Jan 2019 20:23 WIB

Police detains VA as suspect in online prostitution case

VA to be detained for the next 20 days.

Rep: Dadang Kurnia, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Spokesperson of East Java Police Frans Barung Mangera.
Foto: Republika/Dadang Kurnia
Spokesperson of East Java Police Frans Barung Mangera.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- East Java Regional Police investigators detained FTV actrees with initials VA as a suspect in online prostitution case. VA would officially be detained for the next 20 days, an official said.

"The detention letter against VA has been released, so VA is officially detained for the next 20 days," said Barung at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters, in Surabaya, on Wednesday (Jan 30).

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He revealed that there were several reasons behind decision on the detainment of VA. The police expected that the suspect can not run away or repeat the deed, and eliminate the evidences. According to him, investigators will also ask for information from suspects and witnesses, in order to hunt the clues regarding the online prostitution case involving celebrities.

The rules of detention are based on Article 21, Paragraph 4, Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), that the objective requirements of suspects can be detained because of the threat of criminal penalties over five years. In this case, VA was charged under Article 27 paragraph 1 of the Law (UU) of Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE), with the threat of a maximum sentence of 6 years in prison.

"So, VA has fulfilled the objective requirements of violation of Article 27, Paragraph 1, with the threat of a maximum sentence of 6 years in prison," he said.

In this case, the East Java Regional Police had also arrested four other suspects allegedly acted as pimps. They are known by their initials, ES, TN, F, and W.

The online prostitution case involving female celebrities in Surabaya was revealed by Cyber Criminal Division of East Java Regional Police on Saturday (Jan 5). In that case, the police arrested several people consisting of FTV actrees with initials VA and adult magazine photo model with the initials AS.

VA was mentioned to get paid Rp 80 million from the services provided to her clients, and the model, AS, was mentioned to get paid Rp 25 million for a single date.

VA was initially only a victim witness in the case. Based on further investigation, VA was known to be active in spreading her vulgar photos and videos. Then, the police determined her as a suspect which suspected of violating the electronic transaction information law (UU ITE).

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