Kamis 31 Jan 2019 00:35 WIB

Habib Muhsin al-Attas resigns from Crescent Star Party

Crescent Star Party decides to back Jokowi-Ma'ruf pair in presidential election 2019.

Rep: Andrian Saputra, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Habib Muhsin al-Attas
Foto: Republika/Singgih
Habib Muhsin al-Attas

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Member of the Shura Council of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Muhsin bin Ahmad al-Attas has submitted a letter of resignation from the Crescent Star Party (PBB). He handed it over to the PBB office on Wednesday (Jan 30) afternoon.

Habib Muhsin was the first member of the PBB who submitted a resignation letter following the edict of FPI Grand Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab which called FPI members to withdraw from the party. Habib Muhsin is also a legislative candidate of PBB.

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"I am here to submit resignation letter from the PBB membership, and I hope PBB also can process my resignation as a legislative candidate," said Habib Muhsin.

Habib Muhsin said his decision came because he was disappointed by the change in the political stance of the party chaired by Yusril Ihza Mahendra ahead of the 2019 presidential election. The party had decided to support presidential candidate number 01 Joko Widodo - Ma'ruf Amin.

According to Habib Muhsin, the PBB's political stance was not inline especially with the results of the ijtima ulama. Habib Muhsin also said that he had reviewed various consequences for submitting his resignation from the party's membership.

"It is up to the legal mechanism. It's certain that we are no longer responsible," he said.

Previously, Habib Rizieq called on his followers at PBB to resign following the attitude of the party to support the government camp.

"All FPI activists along with all FPI sympathizers and all supporters of the Ijtima Ulama result wherever they were, who became PBB administrators or candidates to immediately resign from the administration and legislative candidates," said Habib Rizieq in a press statement issued by PA 212, on Monday (Jan 28).

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