REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The General Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood, Slamet Ma'arif, to be examined Monday (Feb 18) next week. The police postponed the examination based on the request of Slamet's attorney.
"His lawyer asks the examination on Wednesday (Feb 13) to be postponed until next Monday," said the spokesperson of National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (Feb 12).
According to Dedi, Ma'arif will be questioned in the Central Java Regional Police over alleged campaign violations. He said, he received a letter of recommendation from the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) which said Slamet violated the campaign schedule.
"The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) is conducting an assessment and analysis, on the form of campaign violations committed by the chairman of the PA 212 in Surakarta," he said.

General Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood, Slamet Ma'arif
In examining Slamet, the police would not work alone. The police would continue to coordinate with the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu) of Bawaslu and prosecutors to decide that the speech was indeed a campaign violation.
"There are several articles that have become recommendations of the Election Supervisory Board. Later, in the inspection process, they will also be verified again according to the facts submitted by the Election Supervisory Board," he explained.
Meanwhile, Slamet regretted the determination of the suspect against him by the Police. He said that the legal injustice displayed clearly by the regime of President Joko Widodo.
"It's saddening and embarrassing for law in Indonesia," Slamet said when contacted by Republika on Monday (Feb 11).
He was worried that his determination as a suspect would lead to people's mistrust of law enforcement. In addition, public trust in election organizer will also feared to fade with the case.