Rabu 13 Feb 2019 21:13 WIB

Police sends second summon against Slamet Maarif

Slamet Ma'arif allegedly violates three campaigns regulations.

Rep: Amri Amrullah/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
General Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood Slamet Ma'arif
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
General Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood Slamet Ma'arif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- Surakarta Police has sent second summon against General Chairman of 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212), Slamet Ma'arif. He will be examined as suspect on alleged campaign violation case.

Police said examination will be held at Central Java Police headquarters on February 18. Slamet missed the first summon on Wednesday (Feb 13).

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"He has sent a notice informing that he could not come today," Head of Public Relations of Central Java Police Agus Triatmaja said in Semarang, Wednesday (Feb 13).

Meanwhile, Slamet attorney, Eggi Sudjana told the reporters on Wednesday that a pretrial motion to be filed against the police's decision to name his client as a suspect in alleged campaign violation case. He wanted to clear Slamet's from suspect status.