REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Campaign Team (TKN) of presidential candidates number 01 responded to statement of Chairperson of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Grace Natalie about a plan to encourage revocation of the Joint Ministerial Regulation (PBM) on establishment of worship places. TKN asserted that PSI's staance was not representing the coalition's.
TKN Spokesperson, Ace Hasan Syadzily said that the supporting parties of government coalition shared different ideas. "Not all parties in the coalition have the same view as PSI in that matter," Ace told, on Wednesday (Feb 13).
He explained that the Joint Ministerial Regulation (PBM) on establishment of places of worship was actually arranged to maintain the harmony of religious people. It contained procedure of establishment of a house of worship and ways to invite the community to get involved in establishing religious facilities.
On the one hand, he did not deny that establishment of places of worship was often became source of inter-religious conflicts. Therefore, he questioned ways to regulate establishment of worship places as well as to prevent conflicts if the regulation is revoked.
"Is the revoaction of the regulation will resolve the conflict related to establishment of worship places?" asked the Golkar party politician.
Ace stressed that if the regulation is abolished, PSI should provide a revision and refine the regulation. Nevertheless, he believes Indonesia is still needed the regulation.
"We still have to have that regulation without having to curb religious freedom and worship," he said.

Chairperson of Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Grace Natalie
Previously, Chairperson of Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Grace Natalie said her party has three agendas to fight intolerance in the country. She said one of the agendas was to encourage abolition of Joint Ministerial Regulation (SKB) on the Establishment of Places of Worship.
"First, at the national level the PSI will encourage deregulation of rules on establishment of places of worship," Grace said through a written statement on Tuesday (Feb 12).
Grace said that prohibition, destruction or blocking establishment of places of worship should not happened in Indonesia. She said the closure was against the constitution which guarantees religious freedom.