Rabu 20 Feb 2019 22:21 WIB

IPC II to manage five small ports this year

IPC II is currently managing one small port.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
 Indonesian Port Corporation (IPC) II Executive Director Elvyn G Masassya
Foto: Yasin Habibi/ Republika
Indonesian Port Corporation (IPC) II Executive Director Elvyn G Masassya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Pelabuhan Indonesia, or Indonesian Port Corporation (IPC) II, will in the near future manage five small ports, currently owned by the Transportation Ministry. Those small ports to support the government's sea toll program.

"It is now being processed, and there are five small ports that we will manage," IPC Executive Director Elvyn G. Masassya informed the press here, Tuesday.

IPC II is currently managing one small port, notably Sintete Port, located in West Kalimantan, he added. The state-owned seaport operator will manage small seaports in Natuna and in the eastern Indonesian regions, among other things.

The corporation has also prepared seaports to receive sea toll ships and provide docks for the ships and boats serving the sea toll program also aimed at reducing the price disparity and improving the nation's connectivity. The sea toll program is crucial for Indonesia, which is one of the world's largest maritime countries, with some 5.8 million square kilometers of sea territory, while its land territory covers only 1.9 million square kilometers.

Earlier, Masassya noted that IPC II had set a target of becoming a world-class seaport terminal operator by 2020. IPC II is currently also implementing green port and smart port programs.

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