Ahad 28 Apr 2019 08:29 WIB

200 seized mobile phones at Lubukbasung prison destroyed

Officers will increase monitoring by conducting a thorough check on the families.

Red: Ani Nursalikah
Ilustrasi Penjara
Foto: Pixabay
Ilustrasi Penjara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LUBUKBASUNG -- The Class II B of Correctional Institution (Lapas) of Lubukbasung, Agam District, West Sumatra, scorched a total of 200 mobile phones seized from its inmates during the period between 2018 and April 2019. Several hundred mobile phones of different brands were set alight by Lubukbasung Class II B Prison Head S Hendra Budiman in the company of Secretary of the Agam Municipal Police (SatpolPP) Afrizal and others following the 55th anniversary of the 2019 Penitentiary Service in Lubukbasungprison's yard on Saturday.

Head of Lubukbasung prison Hendra Budiman remarked in Lubukbasung that the mobile phones burnt down comprised android and ordinary cell phone models. "The 200 mobile phones destroyed had been seized when the inmates were raided as a precautionary measure against untoward incidents," he revealed.

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Budiman confirmed the confiscation of check cards, cables for cell phones, and other objectionable items along with mobile phones. However, Budiman revealed no finding of drugs and narcotics during the raid.

"We will step up monitoring by conducting a thorough check on the families to prevent them from bringing in any items during visits," he emphasized.

He pointed out that two telephone kiosk units (Wartel) were set up at the Lubukbasungprison to enable assisted citizens to communicate with kin and others. Moreover, video-calling facility is available for assisted citizens to connect with their families.

"This is a step forward in facilitating communication between the residents and their families, and we will improvise further in future," he noted.

The Penitentiary Service ceremony is being held concurrently across Indonesia in the hopes of boosting the performance of prison officers in the area and serving as a driving force to carry forward the fighting spirit.

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