Senin 27 Jan 2014 12:59 WIB

Good people emerge in flooding (3)

Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri



What required from government officials are the necessity of working together, coordinate, and assist the committee in evacuation sites to provide basic needs of the refugees, for example, setting up an electric generator when the power is on failure, set up soup kitchens, providing MCK (bathing, washing, and latrine/toilet), building health posts, cleaning up places around the refugee camps and so on. Unfortunately, they lack of it or even they did nothing. The apparatus look busy when their superior wishes to visit the refugee camps.

Similar attitudes for state officials, whether ministers or governors. When visiting the refugees, the officials usually - bringing relief on them - go straight to the refugees. They then symbolically handed it over refugees, of course, on the same time photographed by journalists. Though, their aid is not necessarily needed by the refugees because most know they need, of course, the volunteers/committee. Officials visit might be a true imaging and only for media consumption. It's only a fashion.

Then, where did the presidential candidates and candidate of representatives who on their campaign advertisements in the media promised to serve the people? Why when people are affected by flooding and need help, they are not available to serve? Are not they actually able, for example, by building soup kitchens in each refugee camps? Or organize his political team as volunteers to clean up trash from the refugees? Is their promises simply empty promise, while people are neglected to move on their own problems? Did not serving the nation and the state should not wait for after holding a power?

Perhaps Indonesia is an autopilot country; a country that does not need a leader. People are neglected to resolve their own issue independently, while state officials are just busy with their own power financed by public money.


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