Rabu 21 Jan 2015 19:46 WIB

Qur'an, Muslim and Universal Brotherhood (2)

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ahmad Syafii Maarif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ahmad Syafii Maarif

In Mukhtashar min Tafsîr al-Imâm al-Thabarî and Qur’ân Karîm: Tafsîr wa Bayân ma’a Asbâb al-Nuzûl li-‘l-Suyûthî, verse 10 of surat al-Ĥujurât, there is no explanation about the importance of innama in the beginning of the verse. I wonder why both classic mufassir do not explain the main principle of muslim brotherhood. It is probably thought that the verse has explain the meaning clearly. Or maybe, the one who summarized the verse 10 did not write the explanation.

During massive fraction of Islam world, this verse must be voiced loudly. Who knows that it can touch a Muslim heart? We are all aware that fraction comes from losing and destroy, but we magically do not push the break to avoid it.

A part of contemporary mufassir explains the verse 10. For instance, Muĥammad ‘Alî al-Shabûnî in Shafwat al-Tafâsîr, (1405 H/1985), Vol. 3, explains, "No brotherhood rather than Muslim, no brotherhood between a Muslim and infidel. Muslim brotherhood is stronger than siblings," (page 235). The last statement must become a guide for Muslim. Siblings, history and nations cannot destroy the universal brotherhood based on religion. However, what happens is the contrary: religious brotherhood is destroyed because of difference in tribe, nations, sect, and history. Our Islam world is very far from the noble goal of Qur'an.

It is mufassir of A Yusuf Ali in The Holy Qur’an (1975, page 1405 note no. 4928) which explains the verse 10 very well: "The enforcement of the Muslim Brotherhood is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was based the Prophet’s Sermon at the last pilgrimage, and Islam cannot be completely realized until this ideal is achieved.” For me, Yusuf Ali captures the historical message perfecly.

Then, how Hamka explain the mufassir of verse 10? Here is the quote, "The verse 10 explains more positively. People who grow up with similar faith cannot be enemies. If there is any hostility, it is caused by misunderstanding," (See al-Azhar 2007, Juz XXV-XXVI page 199). Hamka is right. However, it is not only misunderstanding that happens in Islam world. It is far beyond that. Worldly interest and race have defeated a high goal on brotherhood delivered sharply by Qur'an. By ignoring the verse 10, do not expect that we will receive God's mercy. We can achieve the mercy through three requirements: strong brotherhood, peace and sincere divineness. The values are absent in today Muslim community.

However, mister and misses cannot lose hope after reading this Resonance. The writer is optimistic that in time Muslim will be aware and willing to discuss with Qur'an. They will be willing to correct their deviant behavior, especially on religious brotherhood.

We have explained the principles of brotherhood based on religion, along with its social noble goals and its main obstacles. In the third part, we will see the idea of Qur'an on principles of universal brotherhood between people with different faith or with those who have no faith at all.

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