Senin 10 Aug 2015 14:23 WIB

Palestinian babies burning as Israeli savagery evidence

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

His name is Ali Saad Muhammad Dawabasyah. He was only 18 months. However, this innocent Palestinians infant has become evident of Israeli savagery. He was dead because of fire that burned his family home in Douma, the southern city of Nablus, West Bank, Palestine.

The incident was happened in the early morning, 03.00 am, on Friday (July 31st, 2015). A group of Israeli, who lived in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, knocking home window of Dawabasyah Saad (30 years old). When the window was opened by Saad to find out what happened, suddenly a few molotov bombs - bottles filled with gasoline - was thrown into the house by the Jewish people. Before leaving, they also set fire to the house in the next door. In a short time, the two houses were burned down, included all its contents.

Saad Dawabasyah tried to save his wife (Riham Hussein, 27 years old) and his son (Ahmad Saad Dawabasyah, four years old). However, his youngest son, Ali Saad, who was not yet two years old, were not saved. The toddler was burned alive in the house. While other residents, family of Ma'mun Rashid Dawabasyah was survived because all of them stayed in Nablus at that night.

According to medical records at a hospital in Nablus, Saad was 70 percent burned, his wife (Riham) was 80 percent, and his son (Ahmad) was about 50 percent. They were now being treated at a hospital in Nablus. While the toddler (Ali Saad) had been reduced to ashes.

In an academic and columnist of Palestine notes, Abdul Sattar Qasem, Israel savagery against Palestinians - Dawabasyah family – was not the first. And, it was also not the last.

According to him, in recent years, there was almost no day without killings of Palestinians. Either by the military, police, or the Israelis, as happened to the Dawabasyah family today. All killings of Palestinians took place when they really were not in a state of war. Amazingly, the Israeli authorities always have (read: looking for) reasons to liberate its citizens from charges of crimes.

As in the case of Dawabasyah family home, the Israeli government argued in an attempt to defend themselves. The question is, they have to defend themselves from what? Because the victims were the innocent civilians, including a woman and two babies.

The saddest thing, Abdul Sattar Qasem continued, was the reaction among Palestinians. First, they were angry and made massive demonstration to condemn the Israeli savagery. The demonstration was not just happening in the West Bank and Gaza, but also in several countries.

Second, besides condemned the brutal acts of the Israeli, Palestinian authority also shouted loudly and asked for accountability from the Israeli government. Even for the case of Dawabasyah Ali Saad who was burned, the Palestinian Authority was processing to bring the Israeli criminals to the International Criminal Court in Den Haag, Netherlands.

According to Qasem, various reactions among the Palestinians was certainly good. However, he said, it was far from enough. Several demonstrations done by Palestinian in denouncing Israeli savagery were usually only for a moment. Then demos will be gone swallowed by the difficulties of life under the Israeli occupation.

On the other hand, the Israeli were not affected with acts of protest, criticism, insults, and accusations of crimes, by anyone. The decision of international institutions had always been ignored by Israel, including the UN Security Council resolution. For example when the UN asked Jewish to stop build settlements on Palestinian land. Until now, Israel continues to build new settlements. And, the international community can not do anything.

For Abdul Sattar Qasem, demanding Israeli occupation for more civilized, for not commit a crime and follow the international law was impossible. Because, he said, the occupation itself was a form of crime, a contrary to human rights, against the United Nations law, and contrary to the values of humanity in other nations.

Occupation was a crime. And, any invaders, whoever they are, will always make people miserable, fear, poor and ignorant. There was law of jungle in the occupation. The strong will suppress the weak. So, ask for mercy, kindness, and responsibility to the occupiers was something that was impossible.

Learned from history, no colony which was then an independent nation for mercy. They were free because of brave in fighting against the occupiers. They sent the occupiers to the hell and forced them to leave. An independence should be taken with blood.

Now Palestinian authority and some leaders of Arab and Islamic countries talk about the savagery of the Israeli occupiers. However, unfortunately, they do not have a clear plan to force Israel to withdraw from Palestinian homeland.

Occupation will not disappear by reason of violating human rights, human values, also the international law. Occupation can only be evicted by a power that force. Sadly, once again, the leaders of the Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic countries do not have a clear road map in forcing Israeli. Even among those now actually were allied with the occupiers.

Abdul Sattar Qasem anger that poured in a column in last week, seems to deserve attentions from those who care about the fate of the Palestinians. Israeli savagery was already out of bounds, and it was impossible not to happen again.

''Do you want to accept fate? In the tents of misery. They separated us in tents that was exile. They led us to the prisons of sorrow. ''

Other Palestinians sued. Her name was Rim Banna (48 years old), born in Nazareth. Her sued was set in the song. There were dozens of songs she created and sang. Almost all the songs were ballads who talked about sorrow and misery of his nation.

''This is my story. Story Palestine. The love story of a wife whose husband was imprisoned. The story of parents who left their children die. The story of Palestinian children who were separated from brothers and sisters and their families''

We still do not know yet what will be sung by Rim Banna related to Dawabasyah family.

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