Selasa 05 Jan 2016 10:00 WIB

A letter for Indonesia

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Asma Nadia
Foto: Republika/Daan
Asma Nadia


How are you, my Indonesia? Let me write a letter about something that I have not been said before. I wish, under the blue sky, you were no longer panted, pursued by various problems that made you hard to stand up and be honored, among your friends.

Someone asked in 2015 that we have passed, what hopes that I have for you in 2016?

My thought was suddenly scattered, remembering you. So much burden weighing your step. I was worried, even scared that you will never stand up right forever. But, as yours, I know I should not lose any hopes no matter how much we suffer in poverty.

I have so much expectation from your natural resources, which should be controlled by your people. It should've been prioritized for your people's welfare, not for your foreign partner who is sometimes unfriendly.

I expect to availability of health services, which treat all human beings are equal as beings who are entitled to live and healthy. I also expect all criminals who have been busy enriching themselves to be gone away from your land. They only took opportunities in various situation, without thinking about others.

Hopefully, the law could be enforced and would not be selective in eradicating the corrupt from the smallest to the highest level. Those who put their personal interests above your interests, for me, have been betrayed and must not be allowed to escape from the law.

My Indonesia, stay strong. I know some people have been mortgaged you. But, I wish it would not only a dream to see you in the end with dignity and freedom.

I look forward to the day where your beauty and wealth from Sabang to Merauke, could enchant billions of people of the earth and you could be a major world destination. Sixty countries and 295 cities that I have visited, could not evict my proud to you.

What do not we have? We have beaches, seas, mountains, valleys, forests, flora and fauna, and countless historical relics including various temples. So many things that we can offer the world, also the air that offers year-round warmth. Best runaway from cold air for tourists everywhere.

May Allah brings genuine people, who are ready to keep you, so that your beauty that God has bestowed, could be enjoyed by billion pairs of eyes.

Ah, do not forget I hope that energy, time, and cost of Indonesian people are not going to be wasted due to traffic or disasters caused by human negligence.

I also hope that policy holders could give the ease to young people to read books. And in amid of bad economic condition, may the taxes of books could be cut, starting from paper, ink, import fees, and others, until the book is not considered as luxury item. Without proper window to the world, how could the children dare to dream big?

Another expectation is regarding diversity in your land. Hopefully, respect for religious beliefs could be improved, so that slander and violence in the name of religion would not happen again.

I have very long hopes for my Indonesia. Forgive me, but that's because I still believe in you. But let me close it with another hope that I think is important, because it concerns to your future.

I wish it is not only a dream to see public officials to be more honest, dedicated and competent. So that Indonesia becomes better, more prosperous, more authoritative, and more loved by its people and respected internationally.

My Indonesia, this is my hope letter for you. I know you also have a lot of hopes to me, to us, who stand up upholding the red and white. Hopefully, there is no day that we disappoint you. Hopefully, in the rest of the day of your people, we are able to give more pride in your eyes

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