Ahad 17 Jan 2016 12:48 WIB

Israel and ISIS cheer on Saudi, Iran conflict

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

Who cheered in conflict between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran, now? The answer is clear: Israel and the terrorist group calling itself as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They were certainly benefited from the ongoing conflict between the two oil-producing countries of the world.

Concentration of the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Iran were no longer on combating terrorist groups such as Israel and ISIS. Their concern was seized in conflict between them and its harmful consequences. On the Iranian side, for example, at least five countries have now severed diplomatic relations with the Ayatollah's country, as a form of solidarity and support to Saudi. They were Bahrain, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, and Saudi.

Meanwhile, Kuwait, Qatar, Comoros, Mauritania, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Jordan had summoned Iran's ambassadors, as protest to Iranian protesters against the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and Saudi Consulate General in Mashhad. Even Qatar has recalled its ambassador in Iran. Saudi accused Iranian protesters attack was ordered  by Iranian authorities.

Meanwhile, on the Saudis side, now it was no longer clear how the fate of the coalition of Islamic countries that has been formed and is led by King Salman bin Abdul Aziz. Also the continuation of the US-led international coalition, which is fully supported by the Saudis. Both coalitions were formed to eliminate terrorist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Saudi was often experienced terrorist threats, particularly from ISIS. Some mosques in Saudi had also been hit by a suicide bomb attacks, which caused dozens of deaths. Also the number of foreign offices. 1,500 Saudis also rumored to have joined terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria.

Even 47 Saudis who were executed a few days ago, had been proven in court that they were involved in the terrorist movement in the country. Of these, four were scholars. Three Sunni clerics and a Shiite cleric.

Executions of Shiite cleric - Sheikh Nimr al-Baqir an Nimr - had caused a long problem. A number of Iranian officials strongly condemned the execution. The Iranians then held demonstrations and attacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and Saudi Consulate General in Mashhad. Saudi accused, the attack was manipulated. They immediately took steps to sever diplomatic relations with Iran.

Severance of diplomatic relation was not considered as a tsunami. It was just a big wave. Big wave which was preceded by small ripples in the form of difference in attitude and perspective on a number of issues. Among other allegations that Iran wanted to expand Shiite influence in the Middle East, by forming the alliance of Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon (Hezbollah) and the alliance of Iran-Bahrain-Yemen.

To cut this alliance, Saudi formed a coalition of Arab countries to attack al Khouti in Yemen. Al Khouti group is Shiite. Saudi also helped the Sunni rulers of Bahrain to quell demonstrations of the Shias in the country. And, in the majority of Arab countries, especially the Gulf, the influence of Shiite Iran was considered more dangerous than the Israeli.

On the issue of Syria, Iran supported the regime of President Bashar Assad who was Shiite. While Saudi Arabia and a number of Arab countries argued to end protracted conflict in Syria which has majority of Sunni residents, Bashar Assad should step down from the throne of power. Therefore, they helped moderate opposition groups to overthrow the Assad regime.

Meanwhile, in Iraq, since Saddam Hussein was ousted by US-led coalition, authority in the country is Shiite group which is the majority in the country. Iran supported the Shiite militias to assist the Iraqi government in crushing the remnants of Saddam Hussein loyalist who were are Sunni. This condition was then used by Sunni radical group to form what became known as ISIS.

Another difference between the two countries is the oil production. Saudi is the largest producer and exporter of oil in the world. They have different interests with Iran on how much oil is produced and at what price.

Saudi was reportedly able to overcome the current low oil prices in the short term. Therefore, they refused to lower oil production. Instead, Iran required a higher income from oil. Therefore, they required higher oil prices to help their troubled economy after years of UN embargo.

The next difference is related to Iran's nuclear program. For years, Saudi and other Gulf countries balked nuclear program of the Imam Ali Khamenei country. They worried that Iran could develop nuclear weapons, which was considered to endanger the security of the Middle East region.

Iran was of course denied. They stated that development of the nuclear program was for electricity. Even so, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries remained furious when the US and other Western countries reached agreement on Iranian nuclear, which still benefited for Iran.

Of attitude and perspective differences between the Saudi and Iran - from religion, politics, security/military, and economy - sensitive relations between the two countries were formed. Every problem encountered in the two states, it directly set as international issue to fight each other. Including when a disaster occurred in Mina during the pilgrimage season, which was killing hundreds of pilgrims, including pilgrims from Iran. Iranian leaders accused that Saudi was incompetent to hold the procession of pilgrimage. They also demanded the internationalization of organizing the pilgrimage.

The last issue between Saudi and Iran was execution a Shiite cleric. Execution which then continued to the attack on the Saudi diplomatic facilities in Iran and continued with the severance of diplomatic relations of the Saudi side.

The important thing is both countries - Saudi Arabia and Iran - are influential countries in the Middle East region. Saudi - where there are Mecca and Medina, is regarded as a bastion of Sunni states. While, Iran is a Shiite leader of nations.

We worried that the wave would be developed into a tsunami, then the consequences could be anywhere. Not only in the Middle East region, but could also to Indonesia, both economic and religious sentiment.

Therefore there must be measures that should be taken. Countries that have good relations with both countries, especially Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries should be mediator. Such as Indonesia, Turkey, Morocco, and others. They should join a mediator coalition to reconcile the two countries.

It was because, if the conflict continues, it would be exploited by radical groups and terrorists such as ISIS and Israeli, to further make its mark in the Middle East and other regions. Something that certainly we do not want to.

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